Browse a vast collection of volumes, from destination-specific guide books to best-selling mysteries to classics of literature, upon a variety of comfortable chairs in our cosy Library.
Well-stocked and offering comfort for the body and mind, you'll discover our Library is a most civil setting for reading and relaxing. Curl up with a classic novel or best-selling mystery, play a strategic game of chess or simply soak up the ambience of a sumptuous reading room. Regardless of what brings you here, our library is a welcoming, low-key treasure you just may find hard to leave.
Located on deck 6.
❖ Financial protection afforded by our ABTA and ATOL industry bonding, giving you complete peace of mind.
❖ Dedicated team of experienced luxury travel concierge waiting to tailor your holiday to your personal requirements.
❖ We can arrange all of your travel arrangements, airport lounges and much more to make your holiday as easy as possible.
❖ Part of the Award-Winning Fred. Olsen Travel family with over 35 years of experience.