Whether it's designer evening wear, handbags, fragrances or a smart gift, our boutique items are carefully selected and of the highest quality. The same may be said of our personable staff.
Stop into our boutiques and browse a wide range of items — upscale handbags to exclusive fragrances to fine jewellery — in an intimate and unhurried setting. You'll also find clothing, Regent Seven Seas Cruises® logo wear and gift items to share with friends and family. Our boutiques are staffed by friendly salespeople. Opening hours vary and are printed in the Passages daily newsletter.
Located on deck 7.
❖ Financial protection afforded by our ABTA and ATOL industry bonding, giving you complete peace of mind.
❖ Dedicated team of experienced luxury travel concierge waiting to tailor your holiday to your personal requirements.
❖ We can arrange all of your travel arrangements, airport lounges and much more to make your holiday as easy as possible.
❖ Part of the Award-Winning Fred. Olsen Travel family with over 35 years of experience.