For the comfort and enjoyment of our guests, our Celebrity ships are non-smoking. Hookahs and other types of water pipes are prohibited from use under this non-smoking designation.
Smoking is not permitted inside any stateroom or on any stateroom balcony. This applies to all stateroom categories onboard. Smoking is also not permitted in any dining venue, theatre, bar, lounge, hallway, or elevator; on the jogging track; or in most other indoor areas. Furthermore, smoking is not allowed in certain outdoor spaces, including restricted areas, food venues, and kids play areas and pools. If a guest is in violation of this “No Smoking” policy, a cleaning fee will be applied to their onboard account.
Because we recognise that some guests do smoke, we have designated smoking areas on the ship. These smoking areas are identified by signage, and ashtrays are provided in these locations for smoking use. Guests may inquire about the location of the ship’s designated smoking areas at the Guest Relations Desk.
In casinos on itineraries where smoking is allowed, there will be visible signage designating the areas for both smoking and non-smoking guests.
Cigar and pipe tobacco is limited to designated outdoor areas and cigar bars (if the ship has one). Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes are only permitted within the designated smoking areas.
Cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco must be properly disposed of and never thrown overboard.
Guests must be at least 18 years of age to purchase, possess, or use tobacco onboard.